Sunday, June 5, 2011


I know that some of you were expecting me to write about Sarah Palin this week, but the truth is that I just can't.  First of all everyone already knows what an air head idiot she is, so it would be a huge waste of time to spend time writing or reading about her.  So, I will limit my comments to the following two items, one of which I pulled from someone making a comment on Yahoo news yesterday.

If Paul Revere were still alive, and Sarah Palin's bus was rolling into town, he would ride through town yelling "The Idiot is Coming, The Idiot is coming".

Finally, it is fair to say that the only people dumber than Sarah Palin are the folks who would consider voting for her for anything other than the United Idiot Society!

Please read the next Article, I think you'll find it much more positive and uplifting.

I'm Just Sayin

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