Monday, March 28, 2011


So, I’m listening to the president give his speech earlier, and at every turn, I’m thinking Obama, shut the F@#$% up and stop lying to me.  I couldn’t help but think, why is this man on TV, telling lies and trying to convince us that we should be in Libya spending a billion dollars a month defending people who six months from now will be trying to kill us.  Once again the American people have voted for a puppet of the New World Order and One World Government.  I know that most of you probably think  there is no such thing of the New World Order, but I assure that there is, and in order to get to be president of this or any of the industrialized countries that you must have the approval of this organization.
 Obama came to office on a anti war platform, and yet, he now goes into Libya on the premise that he’s there to save lives.  I submit to you that if that were the case, we would be declaring No Fly Zones in 25 other countries.  There are masacares happening all over Africa, Ashad is killing people all day every day in Syria, but we haven’t declared No Fly Zones in those countries.  Have you asked yourself why we aren’t in any of those countries yet?  It’s because the folks behind the NWO have no interest in those countries.  There’s no oil in the other places where people are being slaughtered, so why would we want to save those people?  Hell, more people have been murdered by thugs in us cities this year than were killed in Libya prior to us starting to bomb.  Hey Obama, you’re from Chicago, where the murder rate on the South Side is higher than most third world countries every month, why don’t you declare a No Fly Zone in Chicago.  While you’re sending troops into combat zones, why not send a few thousand to Detroit as well. 
I know that TV is an Idiot box, but I keep asking myself, how can this man can get into my TV set and try to convince me that the United States has some sort of national interest in Libya?  Does he really think we’re Idiots?  My dad used to say, if you’re going to lie, try to make it a lie that has a chance of being believed!  I am pretty sure that I heard him say that we spent a Trillion dollars in Iraq and while that seems like a lot, the truth Mr. Obama is that the war in Iraq has cost us over 3 Trillion dollars and counting, add to that the 1 Trillion that we’ve spent in Afghanistan and we could balance that pesky Federal Budget that you A-Holes can’t seem to get under control.  I just saw on the Fox News ticker that we’ve fired 191 Cruise Missiles in Libya.  At a cost of over a million dollars each, that means that we’ve spent 191 million dollars in missiles, not counting the 60 million for the F-15 fighter that fell out of the sky last week, and the additional cost of manning the 15 ships that had to be deployed to the area to support this mission. 
Mr. Obama, I say to you as one really good speaker to another, your speech didn’t convince me that we should be in Libya.  The half truths that you put out there just made me want to say once again! “Obama, Shut the F@#$% Up”.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Does anyone remember the last time that the United States got into a war that the French were involved in?  Well, let me remind you.  In 1953 the French were losing their asses in a little Southeast Asian country called Vietnam when someone decided that it would be a good idea to send some Green Beret's over to advise them in Jungle Warfare.  After a year or so in 1954, the French did what the French have always done, they packed up and ran home, leaving the US holding the bag. 22 years and over 53 thousand American lives later, we finally it wasn't a war that could be won and got out of that quagmire. 

A couple of days ago, the French fired missiles into Lybia and got involved in the civil war in that country, but not before getting that idiot now running our country to commit to supporting their actions.  So over the last couple of days, the French have backed off, the English have fired 8 Cruise Missiles, and the United States as of 7 PM eastern tonight had fired 150 missiles at a cost of approximately $675,000 EACH.  According to some in the news media, the Lybian No Fly Zone could cost the US military 9 Billion Dollars per month.  Where will that 9 Billion come from?  The French and English who have business interest in Lybia aren't going to reimburse us!  Those cowards in Saudi Araiba and the other Arab countries wont pony up either, so I guess that once again it will come from the pockest of the American Tax Payer.

Where is our congress?  Where is the Tea Party?  For a year now, I've heard nothing but we have to make cuts, we're spending too much money in Washington, and now all of a sudden the Dumb Ass running the country decides to spend 150 million dollars in missiles in two days, and possibly another 9 Billion dollars per month on war, and you have nothing to say?  Where is Sarah Palin, Newt, Sharon Angle, Michelle Bachman and Rand Paul hen we need them?  For those of you who thought that those people were really going to make a difference, you had best take another look.  What happened to the 100 Billion they were going to cut?  Forgive me, I must have forgotten, even if we don't have money to fund meals for poor kids, we always have enough to make war, after all the Military Industrial Complex creates jobs.

I'm watching the Talking Heads on Fox, CNN, ABC and NBC (don't watch CBS, can't take Katie), and half of them agree with the president that it's a humanaterian bombing, really? If that's the case, where was the US, France, the Britts and the rest of their coalition when over a million people were dying in the Sudan? Oops, I forgot, those folks don't have any OIL!  Bill O'Riley and the Fox crew have finally found something in common with Obama, they like what he's done.  The Liberals in the media won't
criticize Obama, because he's their guy, and the conservatives in media won't criticize because they actually agree with him.  What a@#$%@*& mess! 
Obama came to office saying that he would get us out of war, which was totally unrealistic, but to start a third war, when you're in the middle of two already, what could he be thinking?  Kudos to Dennis Kucinich who is the only member of congress to speak out against this massive waste of our money, and good luck on your efforts to defund this colossal waste of my tax dollars.  By the way Mr. President, when you're on the same side of a war issue as Karl Rove, you might want to rethink your position.

Finally, our Defense Department should be used for our Defense, not to police the rest of the world.  Hell, with all of the people in this country who own guns (including myself), we might not even need a Defense Department.  Can you imange some foreign force trying to invade Alabama, Mississipi or Baton Rouge in the south, or Newark, Detroit or Chicago in the north?  Those six cities have more fire power than many countries!  I am all for defense, but make no mistake, there is a big difference between defense of this great nation, and policing the rest of the world, and we defiantly don't want to be following the French into war.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So, I'm talking to my friend Mac earlier this evening who just happens to be an eligible bachelor when he informs us that he is considering purchasing a Air Powered Car.  Perhaps your first thought is what a great idea, here is a person trying to help our environment and get away from the foreign oil trap, after all the Air Car gets about 800 miles on one tank of air.  If that's what you thought, good for you, but let me tell you my first thought.

Dude, you're single and still on the market, why would you buy a Air Powered Car?  I've seen that car and if you get one you'll never get another date in your life.  Now, I know some of you are thinking that women will think he's a great guy because he's taking care of the environment, but before you go there, go to: and check out the Air Car.  You see, I've been married for almost 25 years, but I promise you that's not so long that I don't know how getting a date works.  Sure she'll tell you what a great guy you are for buying that Air Car, and how she really admires your dedication to the environment, but let's look at what will happen when you try to get that all important date.

You really like this woman, and decide to ask her out on a date, which seems like a good idea, because after all she's already told yo what a great guy you are for taking care of the environment right!  Just remember if she's all that, there is probably at least one other guy out there trying to get that date as well. Your problem is that he drives a Mercedes S Class, which isn't so environmentally friendly, in fact it sucks down gas like like a camel that hasn't had any water for 6 months.  Environmental Guy, you have no chance of getting that date!  As much as that woman admires your commitment to the environment, Chicks Dig the Big Shinny V8, and the last thing that she wants her girl friends to see is her showing up at a nice restaurant or the club in the Air Car. 

Fortunately for Environmental Guy, the Air Car comes in a on seater which is a good thing because that's exactly how he will be rolling 99% of the time.  You see, no matter what most folks say, they only give lip service to taking care of the environment.  Most people, including the author would much rather drive their nice luxury car and be comfortable than be cramped up in the Air Car, or one of those tiny electric things that look like enclosed roller skates. 

In America, we love our big gas guzzling cars and everything that goes with them.  No matter how much we complain, we will never give up our dependence on foreign oil.  Nope, it's never going to happen, because it's just not cool to ride around on over sized roller skates, so Mac, I'm Just Sayin, skip the Air Car, and keep your sporty Beemer, for no matter how much they admire you for purchasing that Air Car, your next 100 dates will be with women straight of the funny papers.

I'm Just Sayin!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I know that America is a diverse country and that people have come here from all over the world to live, however unlike those who came before them these new comers want the rest of us to change to accommodate their cultures.  When I was growing up, the one thing that we all had in common was that we were Americans.  We weren’t African American, Muslim Americans, Asian Americans, Italian Americans, we were just Americans.  Now the country wasn’t perfect, but we made it work and all of our parents made sure that we knew that we were a part of the country, one people with a common language, we celebrated American holidays like 4th of July, Christmas, Easter and yes even Columbus Day. 
 These days if you’re an employer, with a diverse employee base, you could have someone missing everyday of the week due to some holiday that you never heard of, but you dare not require that person to show up for work, even if it’s not an established American holiday.  Hell, if we keep adding holidays for people from other countries, we’ll never get any work done.
I remember when people moved here and could not wait to learn the language, what happened to learning the English language?   If I immigrate to Pakistan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia or France, I would have to learn their language, and I guarantee you that no one would be printing the Drivers License test or anything else in English for me so that I could take it in my own language.  Americans retire all over the world these days, and all of the ones that I know learn the language of their host countries.  Listen, I have no issue with people coming here, but I don’t want to pay to have anything printed in another language for them, after all, this is my country.  If you want to live here, learn the language!  I am constantly encouraged by one of the companies that I represent to hire someone who speaks Spanish.  Wouldn’t a better idea be to for them to learn the language of their new country?
I was a History Major in college, and spent a lot of time studying European history.  What many don’t realize is that many of the countries that made up the old Soviet Union had been at war with one another for hundreds of years before coming under the Soviet umbrella.   When the Soviet Union broke up, and Russia no longer was around to keep the peace, ethnic wars broke out between several of those countries and many thousands of people were killed before the United Nations sent troops in.  That was nearly 20 years ago, and those NATO troops remain to keep them separated from each other even today.  Those troops will no doubt have to remain for an unlimited time, because if they leave the ethnic wars will start again.  That is what we’re in danger of turning America into if we aren’t careful.  You see when we were all American we had things in common and shared what it meant to be an American.  Today we allow people into our country who refuse to assimilate, they want to bring their culture here and force it on us.  Rather than learning our language, they expect us to pay taxes and have documents translated into their languages.  Finally, no matter what we’ve done to accommodate them, it’s never enough, they still hate us and in many cases support those who would do us harm and try to destroy this country.
Every great country in history was destroyed from within and America is no exception.  We’re allowing our country to be separated by ethnic group and that’s not a good thing.  If this trend continues, we will surely end up like Bosnia and so many other places in the world.  One need only look at the problems in France and England  and the trouble that’s brewing in those countries to realize that the same thing could happen here. 
I don’t know about you, but I’m an American, nothing more, nothing less, just an American.  I hope that you’ll adopt that policy as well and encourage everyone that you know to do the same.  This is our country, let’s do what we can to save it before it’s too late.
For those who want to be Americans, here are some rules that you can start with.
1.         This is America, if you have a complaint about our country, please keep it to yourself.   We don’t care what your anti American opinion is, if your country was so great you wouldn’t be here.
2.        If you’re a citizen, you’re an American, not African American, Asian American, Muslim American or any other kind of American.  Either you’re American or you’re not. 
3.        Learn the freaking language! This isn’t Mexico or Saudi Arabia, and we shouldn’t have to learn your language to communicate with you.  Remember you came here.
4.        Integrate into our society.  We know that you’re more comfortable around people from your old country, but you’re in America now, so try to make some new friends.
If you have additional rules, please feel free to add to this short list.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Does anyone other than me ever wonder who takes all those drugs advertised with all the strange side effects?  I’m watching the Idiot Box earlier today, and every other commercial is for some kind of medication, and oh by the way,  they all have a list of side effects too long to read, but here are just a couple of my favoritesJ
Chanitix – This is a drug that’s supposed to help you stop smoking and here are just a few of the side effects:
Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions while using CHANTIX to help them quit smoking. Some people had these symptoms when they began taking CHANTIX, and others developed them after several weeks of treatment or after stopping CHANTIX. If you, your family, or caregiver notice agitation, hostility, depression, or changes in behavior, thinking, or mood that are not typical for you, or you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion, stop taking CHANTIX and call your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems before taking CHANTIX, as these symptoms may worsen while taking CHANTIX.
The above information was taken directly from the Chanitix web site, and oh by the way, this is just the beginning, there was an additional 4 paragraphs of warnings about this product.  I guess that if your meds make you jump off a bridge, or walk out in front of a Semi, that will definitely solve your smoking problemJ   I think I’ll just keep smoking my cigars and take my chances,  I’m not the jump off a bridge type, after all,  it would ruin my good looksJ
Viagra, Cialis and the other drugs male performance enhancers carry some equally significant warnings, take a look:
·         Headache
·         Facial flushing
·         Upset stomach
Less commonly, bluish vision, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light may briefly occur.
In rare instances, men taking PDE5 inhibitors (oral erectile dysfunction medicines, including VIAGRA) reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision. It is not possible to determine whether these events are related directly to these medicines or to other factors. If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking PDE5 inhibitors, including VIAGRA, and call a doctor right away.

In addition to the above, they warn against possibly losing your hearing, and everyone should know that if you have HIV that you should take a lower dose.  Say what?  Wouldn’t you think that a person with the HIV might not want to be taking stuff that helps them have sex?
I could go on, but I think that most people get the idea. One has to wonder how some of this stuff get’s federal approval, but I guess that if you bribe enough people you can get by with almost anything.
 Seriously folks, be careful and the next time that your doctor offers you a prescription, take the time to ask some questions first and once you have the prescription, read the full list of side effects before starting to take it.   As you can see, sometimes the proposed cure may   be worse than the disease.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Well folks I have avoided controversy until now, but you had to know that wouldn't last.  I know that some of you will disagree with today's blog, but this is something that simply has to be said, so here goes:-)

I'm driving home from work today, listening to the news, and what do I hear? A couple of idiot congressmen talking about the US (that's us) establishing a No Fly Zone in Lybia, I almost drove off the road.  Didn't we learn our lesson with Saddam?  Listen, I don't want Gadhafi killing people any more than those congressmen do, however Lybia is not our problem. We have plenty of problems to solve in this country.  How about this; if our congress wants to stop senseless killing in the streets, let's start stopping the violence in our cities, let's stop selling guns to nut cases who go into the streets and open fire on innocent by standers, and while we're at it, let's stop police officers from routinely gunning down unarmed young Black and Hispanic men. Yep, that's what I said! Now I know that there are those of you who will say "well they shouldn't be committing crimes", and to you I say; this isn't the old west where the police get to be Judge, Jury and Executioner.  If the cops start killing young white kids, you would be marching on Washington and any place else that you felt like marching.  The truth is, these people are committing crimes, they are rarely prosecuted, and when they are, they either get off Scot free, or with a slap on the wrist. 

Our politicians always want to set us up as the world's Morals Police, we go all over the world trying to tell other people how to run their countries, and how they should treat their citizens.  I spent seven years in the United States Army, prepared to give my life for my country, and still would even today, yet there are places where I can't go without being stopped by the police and harassed, because to them I'm somehow out of place.  I was born and raised in this country, and shouldn't have to tense up if I see a police car in my rear view mirror, yet that's exactly the case.  If congress wants to get involved in human rights violations, start with your own citizens, once you've cleaned that up you can think about expanding to other countries.

Please don't get it twisted, I love my country, but there are days when I have to stop and ask, what the hell are we doing?  Leave people in other countries to handle their own problems! We're so broke that we're cutting programs for babies and senior citizens, we don't have enough money to pay our teachers, fire fighters and police, yet we are still using "Foreign Aid" to try and bribe people in other countries so that we can tell them  how they run their country.  The Mopes in our congress have run our country into a ditch that it will take years to get out of, and now they want to start another war, as though the two wars that we have going already aren't enough! 

I say that unless the President and every member of Congress is willing to send at least 1 immediate family member into war, there can be no  "No Fly Zone" in Lybia or any place. Let's put the money being spent on war towards the deficit from now on!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


All of us at some point have to deal with someone who is providing us a service of some sort, after all, with the good union jobs leaving the country, all that we're left with are the service industry jobs.  So why is it that some folks haven't learned that it's almost never a good idea to yell, scream and generally dump on the poor sole who is trying his/her best to provide your service? When will people learn that their mother was right when she tried to teach that you catch more flies with honey than crap?  Now, I know that sometimes people screw things up, and that when you get that bill and it's wrong, or your cell phone hasn't worked for 2 days, or there's something on your credit card that shouldn't be there, it's annoying, however do you really think your problem is going to get solved by acting like an ass, and threatening everyone that you come into contact with?  The answer is simply that your problem might get solved, but if you act like an ass, it will take twice as long to get things fixed.

The next time that you have a problem with your service, try the following:

Once you've followed rules above, just try being polite to the person to whom you're talking, and try to remember that  this person probably has limited authority to fix your problem.  Also note that in most cases you're going to have to talk to two or three more people and yes, it may get frustrating before the problem actually gets solved you have to follow the process.  My rule is that once I've talked to the third person and my problem hasn't been solved, I just look up the phone number for the corporate offices.   Companies hate it when someone calls corporate, which is why I do it.  Yep that's right I know that they hate it and I do it anyway, and I highly recommend it once you've gone through the process above.  Now you have to be extra special nice to the folks at corporate, because they are ultimately the folks who are going to fix your problem.

When you call corporate, always ask for the President's Office.  I know, you won't get the president of the company, but I've done this enough to know that if you ask for the President, your problem will be sent to an assistant who can ensure that your problem is worked on right away, and that everything possible is done to resolve the issue in your favor.  Having said that, don't forget RULE #2.  If your remedy is beyond reason, they label you a Crack Pot and you get nothing.  You will go away mad, but their logic is you will go away; and as much as most companies want to keep your business, if you're unreasonable and rude, they are left with little choice but to cut you loose. 

Now I'm Just Sayin, you can use your own methods to try and get your customer service issues resolved, but I assure you that if they don't closely resemble the steps in this article, you'll just keep getting angrier and angrier until your head explodes.