Tuesday, October 18, 2011


In 2009, a tenant started a grease fire in the kitchen of a rental unit that I owned in Norfolk, and I ended up paying $5000 to cover the deductible as part of a $14000 claim.  Given my knowledge of the tenant’s financials, I decided that it would not be cost effective to file suit against her to try and recover the 5K, and since it didn’t put me in the poor house I dropped it.  Two years later, my insurance company had different ideas and decided to file suit to get their money back and of course my deductible was going to be a part of their recovery effort.  This blog is about my day in the Norfolk, VA General District court, or what I have dubbed “My Day in Clown Court”.

I get to court 30 minutes prior to our scheduled time, and meet with the two lawyers hired by the insurance company and all seems to be going well until they tell me that the judge is running about two hours behind schedule.   Once I sat in the court for a few minutes, it was painfully clear why she was behind, and thus I resign myself to the possibility that I could be here all day.  This judge may have been the most incapable person in her profession that I have ever encountered, and considering I’ve traveled the world and met thousands of people, that’s saying a lot.  It was clear from the very beginning that she had a serious distain for corporations, business people in general or anyone who appeared to have any wealth at all.  Let me give you some examples of how this judge settled cases, and I assure that while I cannot quote word for word what was said, this is pretty close to how things went.

1.       Attorney presents a case against a former tenant who departed owing the property owner approximately $3000.

Judge – Miss, do you agree that you owe the amount stated?

Defendant – Yes Judge
Judge to lawyer – This defendant would probably never be able to pay off $3000, would your client settle for $500? (Never heard a judge ask that question before, so I’m now officially worried)

Lawyer – I don’t think so Judge.

Judge – Can you call them? 
Lawyer – I can try, but they are out of the country. 

Judge - Try, I know she can’t pay, and $500 seems fair!  I (don’t know how it ended up, but really judge?)

2.       Attorney ask judge to enter Summary Judgment against a defendant who’s case was set for trial today, but he failed to file his defense documents prior to the stated due date.
Lawyer – Your honor, we request a Summary Judgment against Mr. X, based on his failure to meet the court’s filing deadline.

Judge – Mr. X, do you have a reason why I shouldn’t enter judgment against you?

Defendant – Judge, I went to my country for a visit, and when I got back, I had Jet lag.

Lawyer – Judge, his reason is not relevant, we are asking for Summary Judgment.

Judge – Ok, Mr. X, I’m going to give you until December 7th to make your filing, but if you don’t file this time I can’t help you.  CAN YOU SAY JUSTICE DELAYED? By the way, she never responded to the attorney.

3.        Guy owes $14000 to loan company.  (Only Caucasian defendant of the day but don't worry, he got the hook up tooJ)
Lawyer – Judge, Mr. Y owes Capital One $14K for a car loan.
Judge – Mr. Y, do you admit that you owe this debt?
Mr. Y, Yes judge.
Judge – Ok, I am going to enter judgment fir 14K with 6% interest starting today against you.
Mr. Y to Judge – Judge, the original amount was $10K before they started tacking on interest payments, so I think that I should only have to pay back $10K.
Judge to Lawyer – We’re entering judgment for $10K with 6% interest starting today.

Ok, you’ve read enough, so I’m not going to bore you with the details of my case, but it suffices to say that when Rich Black Guy with Heavy Hitter Insurance Company shows up in this judge’s court against poor down trodden grandmother, the evidence really doesn’t matter!  This judge ignored the expert testimony of the fire inspector, claims person and everyone else in record time as she denied our claim in favor of the defendant.   As I said, I had written off my $5000, so not getting the judgment wasn’t a big deal, but the way that this judge handled her rulings all day was really disturbing. 

I’ve been in enough VA courts to know that thankfully this judge isn’t the norm throughout our courts.  This judge is a person who has determined that she’s going to protect the little people at all cost, even if it means that she has to deny justice to everyone else.  My guess is that she proudly voted for Obama, and believes much like he does that wealthy people are the problem in the world and that irresponsibility by most of the people who pass through her court really isn’t their fault.  She’s an enabler, she’s one of the reasons why there will always be an over abundance of poor and disenfranchised people in America, because she will never, hold any of the people who pass through her court accountable. 

Yes, I went to “Clown Court”, and the Court Jester was the judge!

I’m Just Sayin

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Las Vegas has got to be one of the greatest cities in America to visit if you’re an adult, it doesn’t really matter if you’re smart enough to control your gambling or not, but it sure helps if you can.  You just have to love a city where people still have the freedom to decide where they want to go and what they want to do.  Unlike Atlantic City, NJ where the smoking Nazi’s have taken over the entire state, including a ban on smoking in the casinos, bars and restaurants.  No,  in Vegas you can actually engage in adult activities like smoking cigars and cigarettes in the casinos, bars and restaurants, in Vegas, people can drink as much as they want (as long as they behave) and the place never closes.  The only place that comes close is New York, but those communist (like their neighbor New Jersey) have outlawed almost all individual freedomsJ

At 2 in the morning on a week night, I’m in a restaurant eating Thai food, smoking a cigar and drinking beer as I watch the ladies of the evening wander in with their latest prey, and not a single person is passing judgment, tongue wagging or worrying about the activities that others are engaging in.  Now I know that for someone reading this, you’re thinking that you wouldn’t want to be any place near people smoking, drinking or gambling their money away, but that’s the beauty of a place like Vegas.  It used to be that way in all of America.  We all actually had choices about what kind of behavior we chose to engage in, but over the last 20 years everyone seems to b e much more interested in controlling the behaviors of others that they deem not appropriate.  Whatever happened to minding one’s business?

It was fun to just walk the strip and take in the sights while you dodge the people trying to get you to take business cards for the local Strip clubs, or the young people trying to sell you on free tickets to a show if you stop by and spend a couple of hours listening to someone try and sell you a Timeshare.  I always find it amusing that the folks with the stripper cards could care less that you’re holding hands with your wife or girl friend as you walk, they just want to get that card into your handJ  It’s also fun to watch the obvious visitors walk around as they cross the streets in hoards trying to get to the next casino or shopping mall.  Vegas also has some of the best entertainment in the world, and we always take in a show or two while there, so on this trip we decided to see Donnie and Marie at the Flamingo, and they were both fabulous.  Ok, before any of you comment, yes I went to see Donnie & Marie and I actually enjoyed it, so there!   I also got to play a little 3 card Poker and some Roulette, but the truth is that I’m an awful gambler, and thus my time at the gaming tables was very limited.  While I didn’t gamble much, I did spend some at the bar people watching and drinking Tennessee High Balls, which is absolutely my new favorite drink.  Here’s the recipe just in case anyone would like to try one:


1 oz Jack Daniels, 1 or 2 dashes of bitters, 1 part orange juice and 1 part ginger ale, over ice, shake and enjoy.

Yes, I highly recommend Las Vegas, but I wouldn’t take minor children, however as a lover of freedom for all, I’ll leave that up to you.  If you get there stop in one of the bars and have a Tennessee High Ball for me, and if I get there before you, I’ll have one for you.

Finally, just remember the new Las Vegas motto:


I’m just sayinJ