Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So, I'm talking to my friend Mac earlier this evening who just happens to be an eligible bachelor when he informs us that he is considering purchasing a Air Powered Car.  Perhaps your first thought is what a great idea, here is a person trying to help our environment and get away from the foreign oil trap, after all the Air Car gets about 800 miles on one tank of air.  If that's what you thought, good for you, but let me tell you my first thought.

Dude, you're single and still on the market, why would you buy a Air Powered Car?  I've seen that car and if you get one you'll never get another date in your life.  Now, I know some of you are thinking that women will think he's a great guy because he's taking care of the environment, but before you go there, go to: and check out the Air Car.  You see, I've been married for almost 25 years, but I promise you that's not so long that I don't know how getting a date works.  Sure she'll tell you what a great guy you are for buying that Air Car, and how she really admires your dedication to the environment, but let's look at what will happen when you try to get that all important date.

You really like this woman, and decide to ask her out on a date, which seems like a good idea, because after all she's already told yo what a great guy you are for taking care of the environment right!  Just remember if she's all that, there is probably at least one other guy out there trying to get that date as well. Your problem is that he drives a Mercedes S Class, which isn't so environmentally friendly, in fact it sucks down gas like like a camel that hasn't had any water for 6 months.  Environmental Guy, you have no chance of getting that date!  As much as that woman admires your commitment to the environment, Chicks Dig the Big Shinny V8, and the last thing that she wants her girl friends to see is her showing up at a nice restaurant or the club in the Air Car. 

Fortunately for Environmental Guy, the Air Car comes in a on seater which is a good thing because that's exactly how he will be rolling 99% of the time.  You see, no matter what most folks say, they only give lip service to taking care of the environment.  Most people, including the author would much rather drive their nice luxury car and be comfortable than be cramped up in the Air Car, or one of those tiny electric things that look like enclosed roller skates. 

In America, we love our big gas guzzling cars and everything that goes with them.  No matter how much we complain, we will never give up our dependence on foreign oil.  Nope, it's never going to happen, because it's just not cool to ride around on over sized roller skates, so Mac, I'm Just Sayin, skip the Air Car, and keep your sporty Beemer, for no matter how much they admire you for purchasing that Air Car, your next 100 dates will be with women straight of the funny papers.

I'm Just Sayin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I have been following this blog for a bit and for once I couldn't agree more. Mac for the sake of the world we do not need more air gas we need real gas so we can go buy big mother hunking cars and trucks and drive them until we dropp.

Drill baby drill. We do not need energy from others, we have plenty when we have leadership to go get it...Oh ya thats what is missing.