Monday, March 28, 2011


So, I’m listening to the president give his speech earlier, and at every turn, I’m thinking Obama, shut the F@#$% up and stop lying to me.  I couldn’t help but think, why is this man on TV, telling lies and trying to convince us that we should be in Libya spending a billion dollars a month defending people who six months from now will be trying to kill us.  Once again the American people have voted for a puppet of the New World Order and One World Government.  I know that most of you probably think  there is no such thing of the New World Order, but I assure that there is, and in order to get to be president of this or any of the industrialized countries that you must have the approval of this organization.
 Obama came to office on a anti war platform, and yet, he now goes into Libya on the premise that he’s there to save lives.  I submit to you that if that were the case, we would be declaring No Fly Zones in 25 other countries.  There are masacares happening all over Africa, Ashad is killing people all day every day in Syria, but we haven’t declared No Fly Zones in those countries.  Have you asked yourself why we aren’t in any of those countries yet?  It’s because the folks behind the NWO have no interest in those countries.  There’s no oil in the other places where people are being slaughtered, so why would we want to save those people?  Hell, more people have been murdered by thugs in us cities this year than were killed in Libya prior to us starting to bomb.  Hey Obama, you’re from Chicago, where the murder rate on the South Side is higher than most third world countries every month, why don’t you declare a No Fly Zone in Chicago.  While you’re sending troops into combat zones, why not send a few thousand to Detroit as well. 
I know that TV is an Idiot box, but I keep asking myself, how can this man can get into my TV set and try to convince me that the United States has some sort of national interest in Libya?  Does he really think we’re Idiots?  My dad used to say, if you’re going to lie, try to make it a lie that has a chance of being believed!  I am pretty sure that I heard him say that we spent a Trillion dollars in Iraq and while that seems like a lot, the truth Mr. Obama is that the war in Iraq has cost us over 3 Trillion dollars and counting, add to that the 1 Trillion that we’ve spent in Afghanistan and we could balance that pesky Federal Budget that you A-Holes can’t seem to get under control.  I just saw on the Fox News ticker that we’ve fired 191 Cruise Missiles in Libya.  At a cost of over a million dollars each, that means that we’ve spent 191 million dollars in missiles, not counting the 60 million for the F-15 fighter that fell out of the sky last week, and the additional cost of manning the 15 ships that had to be deployed to the area to support this mission. 
Mr. Obama, I say to you as one really good speaker to another, your speech didn’t convince me that we should be in Libya.  The half truths that you put out there just made me want to say once again! “Obama, Shut the F@#$% Up”.

1 comment:

April said...

Raymond was talking to me about this yesterday. He was voicing his frustration too. Very disappointed in Obama and already saying that he's not getting his vote next election.