Wednesday, June 8, 2011


At least once a week, I get an email or text message from someone trying to tell me either why Obama shouldn’t be president, or what a bad president he is. I finally got something earlier this week that made me want to write this article.  I find it funny that these things would come to me since I voted for Ron Paul, but they just keep coming.   Please understand that I find many of the items sent to me humorous, but I also find a small number of them offensive and distasteful.  It seems that the worse the person thinks Obama is at doing his job, the more stuff they send to me.  It’s almost like they think that I can do something to ease their pain, or perhaps get a message to the white house and let them know what  they think, or what the President needs to do next.
Does anyone remember that during the last election, everyone was celebrating the fact that a Bi-Racial person was actually making a serious run for President of these United States?  Even Fox News recognized that Obama was part Black, and part White, and yet now that he’s in office everyone just remembers his blacknessJ  Well I haven’t forgotten, and I’m not going to let you forget either, in fact every other time he does something I consider to be stupid or bone headed, I’m going to blame it on his white side, and start sending folks emails letting them know that their White President just screwed things up again! 
I know some of you by now are thinking I’ve lost my mind right?  Well I assure you I have not.  It’s time that all you White folks stand up and “CLAIM YOUR HALF”, yes, that’s right you need to claim your half!  In fact since we’re all Americans, and his father was born in Africa (not the USA)and his mother in Kansas, I actually think he’s more yours than oursJ   Please don’t be embarrassed, or ashamed, to just step right up, and “Claim Your Half”.  Black people have already claimed their half and now it’s your turn. 
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you have to support him, or that you have to like him, I’m just sayin that you need to claim the half that’s rightfully yours.  You can continue to send the distasteful Obama emails, and say that he’s the worse president in history (I assume you missed the Carter Years), but in any case, you need to claim him.  While there are still some who question if he was born in the United States, I have heard no one say that he isn’t Bi-Racial, and we all know that at least in this case, bi-racial does not mean Black and Chinese.   The one thing that those who love Obama and those who hate Obama agree on is that he is part Black and part White, and I for one am tired of you folks trying to deny your half.  If he were doing great things, many of you would have stepped up and claimed him long ago, so just because he’s not doing such a great job, don’t try to disown him, after all he’s part yoursJ

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