Friday, January 6, 2012


There are two things that I can’t stand in a politician.  Number one is a Panderer and the other is a Panderer who uses race baiting in an effort to get votes, and this week we saw both in the persons of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.  For years I and those like me have made excuses for what at best passes for insensitive and at worse are out right racist comments by both Republicans and those on the quote “Christian Right”.  Well this week, I finally had enough and decided that those folks need to be called out for exactly what they are.  Now I know that some of you won’t agree with me, and that’s ok, however please don’t email me, or leave postings trying to defend what these two idiots said, or make excuses for what you think they meant, because we all know what they meant, and there is no excuse or explanation for it. 

First there’s Mr. Santorum who said at a campaign event:

 “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.”

Then there’s good ole Newt who said:

Gingrich told a town hall meeting at a senior center in Plymouth, N.H., that if the NAACP invites him to its annual convention this year, he'd go there and talk about "why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps."

Well gentlemen (and I use that term very loosely), In Iowa and New Hampshire where the populations are 95% white, and most have probably never had a meaningful conversation with a black person, they may believe your idiotic statements and take them as fact;  but the truth is (and both of you know this) that there are 10 times as many White Americans collecting welfare, foods and other public assistance as there are Blacks.  Your implication that black people don’t pay taxes, are all on some sort of public assistance and don’t want to work is a blatant attempt on your part to appeal to the “Ignorant White Vote”.  You both seem to think that by implying that because the face of the current president is black that somehow other black people are benefiting could not be further from the truth.  Obama is so busy pandering himself, that he doesn’t have time for ordinary black folks.

There is no question that there are far more poor whites than blacks in both Pennsylvania and Georgia receiving public assistance, and you know that, but for years both Republicans, Democrats and the News Media have painted the face of the poor black.  You’ve done this despite the fact that in places like Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Southwest Virginia, Texas, Kentucky and a whole host of other states there are twice as many poor whites as there are in any inner city in America!  Fact is that we all know that black people don’t have the market cornered when it comes to generations of families receiving welfare and other government benefits, but when politicians are looking for votes; the face of those receiving benefits is always painted black!   Why not take cameras into the hills of West Virginia, Kentucky, or Pennsylvania and put the faces of those poor whites who have been on welfare for generations on the 6:00 news?  No, we can’t do that, because making scape goats out of blacks is much more appealing to those ignorant of the actual facts.

I have to say that Newt is right about demanding paychecks rather than being satisfied with food stamps, but that’s true for every American who doesn’t have a job, who is willing to work, but can’t find it.  Newt was the Speaker of the House when NAFTA was passed, so perhaps part of his platform should be to cancel NAFTA and bring some of those jobs back to America, rather than continuing to give tax breaks to companies who export American jobs to other countries. 

Finally, a couple of messages to Rick Santorum, I agree that I don’t want to give my money away either.  I didn’t want to give a loan to Bank of America, CITI bank, Goldman Sach’s or any of the other big banks who were bailed out.  I don’t want to pay more so that Exxon, Chevron and the other oil companies can continue to get tax breaks at my expense either, but I don’t hear you talking about cutting those folks off.  Maybe that’s because the fat cats make campaign donations and have the resources to fight back when you attack them, and poor blacks don’t!  By the way, what kind of Christian would vote for a Racist homophobe?  That’s right, I called Mr. Santorum what he is, and I make no apology for doing so, he has a long history of making both racist and homophobic remarks, and it’s time that someone called him on it.  Those of you who really know me, know that I do not take the "R" word lightly, but the comments of these two idiots have been eating at me for almost a week now, and I couldn't let it pass without comment.


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