Monday, January 2, 2012


As we enter 2012, I hope that everyone will take the time to realize how fortunate we all are to live in such a great country.   Almost every day in 2011, the news was about how bad things are in America, and nearly every person that I came into contact with seemed to have a complaint about how bad the economy is doing.  The problem with all of this is that none of these people were unemployed, living in a box on a street corner, or in need of food assistance; nope from where I sit, they are all doing pretty well in life.  In fact most have excellent jobs, making considerably more than the national average, yet they had complaints.

America is now and has been the greatest country on the planet for two hundred years.  People still come here from all over the world to live in peace and enjoy the kind of freedom that only a handful of countries on the globe can offer.  Our standard of living is still the highest in the world, and no matter how much we borrow from China, they are still a hundred years from having our standard of living.  It’s true that we have many people in our country who are poor and disenfranchised, but if you’re going to be poor or disenfranchised, what better place to improve your lot in life.  You see, contrary to popular belief, in America, people can still start with nothing and end up with every advantage that America has to offer.   If you don’t believe this is true just ask someone who has had the good fortune to move here from another country.  I have no doubt that we all know someone who has moved here from Asia, Africa, Europe or some Latin American country who came here with nothing, but now owns his/her own business, has a home and is thriving.  These people came because they believed in the promise of the American Dream and believing is a huge part of every successful persons receipt for success.
2012 will be for all of us what we make it!  My plan is to make 2012 the best year of my life, to enjoy all that life has to offer and I sincerely hope that you’ll join me.   


1 comment:

Anonymous said...