Tuesday, March 13, 2012


We all know that president Obama and his democrat friends are for wealth redistribution, but until yesterday I didn’t know that they had taken over the National Football League (NFL).  The league yesterday issued a statement saying that the Cowboys were being assessed ten million against the salary cap while the Redskins would be assessed Thirty-Six million for violating some unwritten rule against paying players too much money in 2010 which was supposed to be a uncapped year.  Two other teams were also hit with minor (about 1.5 million) in fines for the same violation.  While fans of the other 28 teams might view this as justice, Redskins and Cowboys fans now have something in common in that we see it as Wealth Redistribution.  That’s right; it’s redistribution of wealth in its ugliest form.

The Cowboys and Redskins are the NFL’s two most valuable franchises, and their owners have bucked the system over the years to find ways of find ways to pay their players more than anyone else.  Now it seems that the other owners have decided that it’s not fair to have the rich teams be able to afford the best players.  Jerry Jones spent a billion dollars to build the new Cowboy’s stadium, and trust me, having seen it, it was worth every penny; and despite whatever faults one can find with Dan Schneider, the one that can’t be said about him is that he hasn’t spent like a mad man to try and make his team better.  These two owners (of the two premiere teams in the NFL) have done more in the last 10 years to make the league great than the rest of the owners combined, now find themselves the victims of the kind of jealousy that is running amuck in our country. 

Just to make sure I’ve got this right, we now have rules in our country that say that if I can afford a BMW, Mercedes or Cadillac, and my neighbor drives a Hyundai or Yugo, I should drive one of those as well?  I think not; I earned my BMW and dammit I’m going to drive it.  Truth be told, if my neighbor is walking I don’t really care, but  Of course if he needs a ride, I’ll give him a ride, but I’m not giving up my Beamer for him.  If your coworker can only afford to live in apartment, does that now mean that you should sell your nice single family home in the burbs so that your coworker doesn’t feel bad?    

I’m sure that you get the idea by now but just in case let me spell it out.  I like many people who are a little better off than most feel for people who are not and thus I give lots to my church and to charity, but it is neither, fair or reasonable that you should take what I’ve worked hard for and give it to someone else.  I’m not saying that poor people don’t work hard, but I am saying that I’m not responsible for their lot in life!  If you want more out of life, educate yourself and do what most wealthy people do, work harder, give up the luxuries early in life so that you can have more later in life.  Learn to save and invest and believe in Life Long Learning.

The Obama administration’s theory of Tax the Rich makes no more sense than the NFL’s punishment of the Cowboys and Redskins. 

No matter how you slice it, you can’t make life equal by punishing those who work hard, study hard and do better in life or sports!



April said...


RitaJoh said...

So the rich work harder than the lower & middle class, that's why they are rich or better off?