Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I don’t know how many of you watch Real Time with Bill Maher, but Bill has a segment called New Rules that I really need to borrow this week.   During the course of the week, I have numerous conversations with people about any number of subjects, but there is one subject that I find people constantly distort the truth, lie and just make crap up is with politics.  Now I know that we all want to think that the guy we voted for is honest, he’s really working for all of the people, doesn’t take special interest money, and when he/she talks, you can take their word as gospel.  As a rule, I get my news from a number of sources, which include but are not limited to Fox News, ABC News, CNN, Yahoo and a free subscription to news papers in other English speaking countries.  As I read and listen, I hear all kinds of statements made by politicians and their supporters that at best are only half true or a repeat of some other false statement they’ve heard some other knuckle head make.  As an example; I had a conversation with someone recently who tried to convince me that OSHA, at the direction of President Obama has established a rule that says if a construction worker is using a ladder to get to a space more than 3 feet off the ground that the ladder must have safety lines.  Now, I’m going to give this person the benefit of the doubt and say that he was simply misinformed, but because he was so passionate about his position, I decided to pull the OSHA rule on ladder height, and it’s listed below for all to view.

If the total length of a climb on a fixed ladder equals or exceeds 24 feet (7.3 m), the following requirements must be met: fixed ladders must be equipped with either (a) ladder safety devices; (b) self-retracting lifelines, and rest platforms at intervals not to exceed 150 feet (45.7 m); or (c) a cage or well, and multiple ladder sections, each ladder section not to exceed 50 feet (15.2 m) in length. These ladder sections must be offset from adjacent sections, and landing platforms must be provided at maximum intervals of 50 feet (15.2 m).
Now because I don't know anything about construction, 24 feet might be a stupid rule, but it's a long way from 3 feet.
Ok, now that we’ve cleared up the ladder height thing, let’s get to my New Rules.

New Rule – If you’re on the payroll of a State or Federal Government, you don’t get to complain about deficits, after all, you’re part of the reason we have deficits.  It really doesn’t matter what you do for government, I’m still paying for it, so shut up and cash your check!

New Rule – If the tax payers are paying for your Health Insurance, you don’t get to be against Obama Care.  After all, if government sponsored health insurance is good enough for you, it’s good enough for the rest of the population that wouldn’t have health insurance without government assistance.

New Rule – If you make more than $250,000 a year, you don’t get to complain about your tax burden.  Unless you would just rather not have the 70% that’s left after paying taxes.

New Rule – Unless you’ve actually lived in a Socialist country, you don’t know what Socialism is really like, so stop calling people who don’t agree with you a Socialist.  By the way, that goes for Communist as well.

New Rule – If you’re truly a Christian, try reading the bible, I think you’ll discover that god wasn’t a Democrat or a Republican.  Jesus spread love, not hate, and contrary to what you might think, judgment is not yours.

New Rule – If you’re waiting for the good Union Jobs to return to America, get a grip, those jobs are gone for good, and they are not coming back.

New Rule – If you’re an employer who hires illegal workers because their cheaper, just be honest enough to say that.  Don’t add to the lie that American workers would rather collect welfare than work.  The truth is that Americans would take the job if you paid a living wage.

New Rule – If when you shop you look for the cheapest price, knowing that it couldn’t have been made in America, stop complaining because the unemployment rate is 9%.  If you took the time to look for the Made in America label and purchased those items, you could help create thousands of jobs in this country.  By the way be careful, the next job shipped offshore could be yours!

I’m Just Sayin, if you like New Rules, send me yours and I’ll try to publish another segment in a few weeks.

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