Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Twice a week, I receive a flyer or post card in my mail box from candidate for the House of Delegates Michael Webert, unfortunately I have no idea who Mr. Webert is, or what his true views are.   I had actually hoped to learn more about Mr. Webert at the debate held at the John Barton Payne building last night, but he failed to show up.  Mr. Webert’s opponent Kevin Kelly was there ready to debate, and there was a packed house filled with what will be Mr. Webert’s constituents  should he be elected, yet it appears we aren’t important enough to warrant ninety minutes of his time.

Mr. Webert’s mailers say that he is a farmer and small business person, yet according to the Fauquier Democrat, he spent the last three years in college and now runs his grandmother’s farm.  To be clear, I’m not against someone getting a job in the family business, but does that really qualify as experience running a business?  Hell, my dad was a mechanic, so by Mr. Webert’s logic, the fact that I occasionally handed him a wrench, makes me qualified to be a mechanic! 

Mr. Webert’s opponent Kevin Kelley not only attended the debate, he was gracious enough to stand and answer two rounds of questions from each of the panel members.  Mr. Kelley told us about his background as a Small Business person, his upbringing and his family. He talked about his time serving with the Chamber of Commerce, and his work in the community.  I don’t know about others in attendance, but frankly I found it refreshing to hear someone running for office refuse to duck and dodge when asked a direct question.  Mr. Kelley answered every question directly and without providing the kind of spin that so many politicians attempt to do.  You may not have liked his answers, but they were direct and to the point!

As voters, we all have to ask ourselves; if the candidate is not accessible and accountable to his constituents prior to being elected, how accessible will he be once in office?  Kevin Kelley will be accessible to the people who live in our communities and helped put him in office.  His opponent is invisible to us now, and we should he be elected, we can only expect more of the same.

I’m Just Sayin!!!!!


BDK said...

Well said! Mailings and campaign spending don't cut it in politics. You gotta be able to face your would-be constituents.

If a candidate is incapable of debating the issues with his opponent, I doubt he'd do very well on the floor of the assembly. If he's not organized or considerate enough to make his schedule work, I can't imagine he'll do any better once elected.

As you correctly saw and reported, Kevin Kelley is a straight-shooter and a stand-up guy. He is the kind of representative the Commonwealth and the 18th district need!

Anonymous said...

The Democrat states Webert was not present due to a "previous campaign commitment in Warren County". With that said, did he inform the Candidate Forum organizers so they could reschedule?